Setting up and using private endpoints in Azure with a storage account example in Terraform

Azure Private endpoints have been around for some time, in this blog post I will be looking at how to setup and begin using them - will also include a storage account example in Terraform. As your cloud environment continually…

Azure DevOps – 6 recommendations to help with securing your branches

Using Azure DevOps daily on a continuous basis but, have you thought about the security of your branches? In this blog post, I will give 6 recommendations to help you with securing your Azure DevOps branches! There is quite a…

Azure Hub-Spoke Network Configuration with Azure Firewall DNAT using PowerShell

I am going to show you how to create a Hub-Spoke network configuration with Azure Firewall using PowerShell. What is a Hub-Spoke network? Think of the Hub-Spoke as two different networks, network1 is hub, network2 is spoke. Network1 acts as…

Azure Bastion – First thoughts on Preview

A preview I have been waiting on, Azure Bastion - a PaaS service provided by Azure that will allow you to seamlessly and securely RDP/SSH to your virtual machines within a Virtual Network, the connections are completed in the Azure…

Azure Key Vault:- 5 ways to secure

Using Azure Key Vault to store your secrets , encryption keys or even certificate data? Have a read of this blog, I will be discussing 5 ways on how to secure your Key Vault from network restriction to key rotation.…

Securing your secrets using Azure Key Vault and Virtual Machine Managed Identity

In my previous blog I gave an overview of Azure Managed Identity, specifically around virtual machines and managed identities. In this, I will be detailing the process of implementing a secure use of Key Vault with this virtual machine and…