Deploying a content filtering configuration in Azure OpenAI studio using Terraform and AzAPI

In this blog post, I'll show you on how to set up a content filtering configuration in Azure OpenAI Studio and apply it to your OpenAI deployment entirely using Terraform. Since there isn't a native Terraform resource available for content…

Displaying Terraform Plan as a comment in Azure DevOps Repo PRs with Azure DevOps Pipelines

In this blog post - we will displaying Terraform plans directly within Azure DevOps Repository Pull Requests as a comment using Azure DevOps Pipelines. Prerequisites Please read this blog post prior, it has some prerequisites that are required before this…

Adding pull-request comments to Azure DevOps Repo from Azure DevOps Pipelines

Sometimes as part of your pull request process, you may want to include outputs, checks, or other relevant information as comments after your pipeline runs on various stages and tasks. In this blog post we will look and how this…

Resolving Terraform Error ApplicationGatewayInvalidPublicIpSku : Application Gateway SKU Mismatch with Public IP

If you've stumbled upon the following Terraform error while setting up an Application Gateway with a Public IP, this blog post will guide you through the steps to fix it. ā”‚ Error: creating Application Gateway: (Name "aks-appgateway" / Resource Group…

Deploying Azure AKS with Application Gateway and Flux extension – An introduction to GitOps

In this blog post/tutorial, we'll dive into a range of topics that are all deployed using GitHub Actions and Terraform. The focus is on deploying key components: Azure AKS Cluster: The foundation for the next components, will deploy to AKS…

Deploying Azure AKS GitOps Flux extension with Terraform

In a previous blog post, I provided a comprehensive guide on deploying Azure AKS, Application Gateway, and GitOps extension with AKS. This involved an in-depth overview of flux/kustomization, among other components. In this post, I'll specifically focus on deploying the…

Setting up and using private endpoints in Azure with a storage account example in Terraform

Azure Private endpoints have been around for some time, in this blog post I will be looking at how to setup and begin using them - will also include a storage account example in Terraform. As your cloud environment continually…

Referencing Azure Key Vault Certificates in Terraform

Another quick blog post on how you can reference certificates in your Azure Key Vault within your Terraform configurations. This subject follows a previous blog post in which I demonstrated how to reference Azure Key Vault secrets in Terraform. After…

Streamlining Multi-Component Deployments to Terraform Environments with GitHub Actions Matrices

Deploying resources in Azure often involves deploying multiple components to numerous environments, each with its own specific configuration. Managing this complexity efficiently can be challenging. However, GitHub Actions, coupled with matrices, offers a powerful solution to streamline these multi-component deployments…

Configurations I recommend you setup to deploy your Terraform into Azure at scale using GitHub Actions

This blog post delves into the world of Terraform deployments in Microsoft Azure and explores how GitHub Actions can be harnessed to streamline the process, particularly when dealing with larger-scale deployments across various terraform resources, components and environments. We'll walk…