Boost GitHub Actions Efficiency with Path Filters: Only run when specific files or paths are updated

Within your GitHub Actions, you may be running a lot of workflows continuously during a merge to the main branch - a way to mitigate the possibility of them always running is to implement path filters. What are path filters?…

Deploying MkDocs to GitHub Pages with GitHub Actions

In this blog post, I will show how you can deploy your MkDocs to GitHub Pages with GitHub Actions. What is MKDocs? MKDocs is a great little tool for creating a static site, used commonly to store repository documentation, drawings,…

Using Terraform tfvars for environment-agnostic deployments

In this blog post we will look at how you would use tfvars to deploy to multiple environments in Azure. Deploying Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to multiple environments, we want to keep scalability in mind along with the thought of…

Deploying a content filtering configuration in Azure OpenAI studio using Terraform and AzAPI

In this blog post, I'll show you on how to set up a content filtering configuration in Azure OpenAI Studio and apply it to your OpenAI deployment entirely using Terraform. Since there isn't a native Terraform resource available for content…

Enabling PostgreSQL flexible server logs and configuring a retention period using Terraform

In this blog post, we will look at enabling PostgreSQL flexible server logs and setting a retention period using Terraform. (Somewhat a new feature (was in Preview), the ability to enable server logs.) Deploying a sample server below, we can…

Scaling Terraform Deployments with GitHub Actions: Essential Configurations

Scaling Terraform Deployments with GitHub Actions: Essential Configurations, is part of the 90 Days of DevOps event that Michael Cade has been running, certainly check out the event for lots more awesome DevOps related contributions here What have I covered…

Ensuring Your Terraform is Correctly Formatted Using Terraform fmt and GitHub Actions

As with all pull requests, we want to run various CI checks to ensure validation of your code and one of these is code quality, writing Terraform? Unsure if the Terraform in the pull-request is formatted correctly?ā€‚This is where GitHub…

Adding pull-request comments to Azure DevOps Repo from Azure DevOps Pipelines

Sometimes as part of your pull request process, you may want to include outputs, checks, or other relevant information as comments after your pipeline runs on various stages and tasks. In this blog post we will look and how this…

Resolving steps.plan.outputs.* returns Empty Issue with hashicorp/setup-terraform@v3

A quick blog post to include the fix/what is needed to resolve steps.plan.outputs.* is empty when using GitHub Action hashicorp/setup-terraform@v3 I recently came across a situation while working with the hashicorp/setup-terraform@v3 GitHub Action. I wanted to make use of steps.plan.outputs.stdout…

Deploying Azure AKS GitOps Flux extension with Terraform

In a previous blog post, I provided a comprehensive guide on deploying Azure AKS, Application Gateway, and GitOps extension with AKS. This involved an in-depth overview of flux/kustomization, among other components. In this post, I'll specifically focus on deploying the…