Natural Language Infrastructure as Code: Is it the future of Cloud Automation?

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has really revolutionised the way we manage and deploy our cloud resources. By treating infrastructure as code, we can automate the provisioning and management of cloud resources, making it faster, more reliable, and more scalable all…

Create a PostgreSQL single server read replica in Azure using Terraform

Deploying PostgreSQL single server in Terraform and wanting to create a read replica? In this blog post I will show you how, it is rather straight-forward to setup with Terraform. Lets begin by looking at the terraform to create PostgreSQL…

azure application gateway data for certificate is invalid error fix

A quick blog post to show a fix for when you get the error data for certificate is invalid error when applying backend settings within Azure Application Gateway. Within the Azure Activity log, you may come across this error: Error…

Using variables to dynamically check out a repository using a specific branch or tag in Azure DevOps Pipelines

In Azure DevOps pipeline, you might want to check out a repository using a specific branch or tag, in this blog post - I am going to show how you can use variables to dynamically achieve this! Why dynamic? My…

Writing reusable Terraform modules

Are you using Terraform? Deploying to multiple environments? Terraform code duplication? If you answered yes, in this blog post I am going to look at creating reusable Terraform modules including the basics, benefits and why you should be using them…

Microsoft Build In-Person UK Event 2022

It has been 2.5 years from my last in person event, what a pleasure it was to see an email arrive with an invite to attend Microsoft Build UK in person event! What a totally epic event it was, met…

Creating dynamic variables during a pipeline run in Azure DevOps

In Azure DevOps Pipelines - you can create variables "on the fly" during your pipeline run! Wanting to create a variable such as resource ID, location of a resource in Azure etc? This blog post is for you! I will…

Using Azure Container Apps and KEDA to create self-hosted scalable Azure DevOps Agents deployed using Azure DevOps and Azure CLI

You may have the requirement of creating self-hosted agents in Azure DevOps, there are multiple ways of doing this including Virtual Machine, Virtual Machine Scaleset & various Container-type approaches. In this blog I am going to to be using Azure…

Deploy to Azure Container Instance from Azure Container Registry using a CI/CD Azure DevOps Pipeline and Terraform

I am going to show using an Azure DevOps Pipeline and Terraform how you can deploy to your Azure Container Instance and setting up the pipeline to build a new Image and enabling CI/CD when you push to the repository…

A DevOps journey using Azure DevOps

This is a workshop/lab setup that I created; it is going to take you through a DevOps journey using Azure DevOps. From setting up your pipeline to deploying an application to your Azure Kubernetes cluster! This is also my contribution…