Deploying MkDocs to GitHub Pages with GitHub Actions

In this blog post, I will show how you can deploy your MkDocs to GitHub Pages with GitHub Actions. What is MKDocs? MKDocs is a great little tool for creating a static site, used commonly to store repository documentation, drawings,…

Update GitHub Pull Request Body using GitHub Actions

Recently I have been automating GitHub Pull Request Body with various updates/outputs from GitHub Actions, I wanted to create a quick blog post on a couple of ways to do this that will hopefully assist you. If you're like me,…

Scaling Terraform Deployments with GitHub Actions: Essential Configurations

Scaling Terraform Deployments with GitHub Actions: Essential Configurations, is part of the 90 Days of DevOps event that Michael Cade has been running, certainly check out the event for lots more awesome DevOps related contributions here What have I covered…

Ensuring Your Terraform is Correctly Formatted Using Terraform fmt and GitHub Actions

As with all pull requests, we want to run various CI checks to ensure validation of your code and one of these is code quality, writing Terraform? Unsure if the Terraform in the pull-request is formatted correctly?ā€‚This is where GitHub…

GitHub Action error Resource not accessible by integration when attempting to upload SARIF report files to GitHub

Just a very quick blog post to show a potential fix for GitHub Action error Resource not accessible by integration when attempting to upload SARIF report files to GitHub, I came across this when attempting to use GitHub action github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v3…

Resolving steps.plan.outputs.* returns Empty Issue with hashicorp/setup-terraform@v3

A quick blog post to include the fix/what is needed to resolve steps.plan.outputs.* is empty when using GitHub Action hashicorp/setup-terraform@v3 I recently came across a situation while working with the hashicorp/setup-terraform@v3 GitHub Action. I wanted to make use of steps.plan.outputs.stdout…

Deploying Azure AKS with Application Gateway and Flux extension – An introduction to GitOps

In this blog post/tutorial, we'll dive into a range of topics that are all deployed using GitHub Actions and Terraform. The focus is on deploying key components: Azure AKS Cluster: The foundation for the next components, will deploy to AKS…

Deploying Azure AKS GitOps Flux extension with Terraform

In a previous blog post, I provided a comprehensive guide on deploying Azure AKS, Application Gateway, and GitOps extension with AKS. This involved an in-depth overview of flux/kustomization, among other components. In this post, I'll specifically focus on deploying the…

Unlocking Manual Workflow Execution in GitHub Actions: A Quick Fix

If you're working with CI/CD pipelines and GitHub Action workflows, there might be instances where you need to manually run a workflow. However, you might have noticed that when you attempt to do this through the portal, you realize that…

Streamlining Multi-Component Deployments to Terraform Environments with GitHub Actions Matrices

Deploying resources in Azure often involves deploying multiple components to numerous environments, each with its own specific configuration. Managing this complexity efficiently can be challenging. However, GitHub Actions, coupled with matrices, offers a powerful solution to streamline these multi-component deployments…